Monday, November 17, 2008


I was talking to Beth Ann on the phone this morning while I was making Thomas the Turkey. She told me to post a picture of him on my blog in case she didn't get to my house before Thanksgiving. Here it is but that is not an excuse for us not to get together before then. I made this one for my house and one just like it for mom's house. I was a little worried that he wouldn't get to debut before the big day since it takes me forever to do anything. I don't know about the rest of you but I get about 200 times more done when the kids are in bed. (Of course by then I am usually too exhausted to start a project.) I guess I better get started on my Christmas stake soon. . .


Kyle and Lacey said...

Sooo cute! Why couldn't you and Lisa pass some of the talent on, you big hog?!

Eric and Tracey said...

VERY cute! Wow. I'm impressed! I can't wait to see your next one.