Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Periodic Springs!

Before school started, we decided to take a hike up to Intermittent Springs. It is always so much fun to go back and enjoy the beauty of the Star Valley Mountains. Dad was in Afton getting his 4 wheeler fixed, so we asked him to meet us there for the hike. When we got to the parking lot, his truck was already there. We figured he had headed up without us, so we hiked up the trail ourselves. When we were about there, the kids were amazed to see our name scratched in the dirt with an arrow. "It's this way!" Gabe yelled like he had just stumbled onto a valuable clue. Around the willows sat Grandpa Benton. It was a good time! I just love that area and really enjoyed being there and sharing it with my cute little family. The spring was stopping and starting but it didn't stay stopped for very long. And the stone flies were still everywhere, which the kids thought were gross.
On the way back to the truck, we ran into my good friend Candice and her husband, KC! They had stopped in Star Valley for a few days on their way from Canada back to Texas. Talk about a random reunion! It was good to get to visit with them for a minute. And then on the way home, we ate at the Red Baron. All I can say is YUM!

1 comment:

Ashley White said...

Hi! It's Ashley and I found your cute!!