Monday, January 18, 2010


Happy Birthday to my youngest boy! He has been counting down the days for at least 2 weeks now. Asking me every day, "Mom, am I 4?" Well this morning I finally said, "Yes." The time has flown by. Each day I am so thankful that he came to join our family. I never regret begging Tyson for one more child. :) Since the day he was born he has been a cuddly, smiling, happy, funny addition to our home. He brings us so much joy!! So how appropriate to have a whole day to celebrate his birth!!
I love you Gidget!! Thanks for being my son!

1 comment:

Kyle and Lacey said...

Oh my heck could he be any cuter?? There is no one else like Ridgey on the whole planet! We love that little kid so stinkin much! We hope he has a great birthday. Give him a big hug for us!!