Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ice Blocking!

We are having so much fun with the cousins here! I will post more about all the fun stuff we've been doing later, but I had to share this video of them learning to Ice Block. They didn't really think it was going to work and were amazed at how fast they could get going. We only had one "incident" which was totally my fault---I forgot to tell them not to let the blocks of ice hit them on the way down. Oops! But thankfully it wasn't too bad and we were able to enjoy the rest of the day. We even went to Charlie's for ice cream when we were done! YUM!

1 comment:

Kyle and Lacey said...

Nice! Sounds like fun! Glad to hear you're having a good time. (P.S. Kinda random but the word verification for this post is "denest"--kinda like dearest deney rolled into one. haha)