Monday, November 15, 2010

Tie Dye Shirts!

For one of our Family Home Evening projects, we made tie dyed shirts. The kids thought it was absolutely amazing because they got to make a big mess and didn't get in trouble. They had fun experimenting with the different colors and had bets on who's shirt would be the best when it was all done. (They all like their own)Dad wasn't home that night so we will have to do it again! He doesn't want to use the "sissy colors" like we did, so I bought him a camo-kit. We will see how it works. . .


Kyle and Lacey said...

That sounds like tons of fun! I am loving the pictures. What a cool mom!

KC & Candice Carden said...

It looks like you have so much fun with your kids...such a great idea and your pictures turned out sooo cute! Miss you guys...