Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Raygen!!

Today is Ray's 7th birthday. I can't believe it has already been seven years since her chubby, hairy little body exploded into this world! She told me the other day that next year she will get to be baptized and I about choked on the cinnamon bear I was eating. I told her she could do anything she wanted on her birthday (thinking she would want to go shopping or to the show or something like that) and she told me she just wanted to go fishing. Her Dad grinned from ear to ear. But wouldn't ya know it, of all the days to snow it had to snow today. So she invited a friend over and we all went to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I think Tyson has found his new favorite movie in the whole world. ;0) But the kids loved it. I decorated her door for her to wake up to this morning and had balloons and flowers on her spot at the table. Her reactions are always so cute to everything like that. She got a huge smile on her face and hugged me. Grandma Lynda came by and took her to the store to pick out "a present". She came home with so much stuff, she could hardly carry it. Her grandma sure does a good job of spoiling the crap out of her. Ridge got her a Sleeping Beauty DVD and Gabe got her flannel horse sheets for her bed. Her Dad and I gave her a Barbie stereo and a few other things. All in all, I think she had a good day. And can I just say one more time---I sure am glad she was born!!


Eric and Tracey said...

I can't believe how much she looks like Tyson! Looks like she had a great day! We got snow for her birthday too. . .

Kyle and Lacey said...

This is a little slow, but I'm glad Raygen had a good birthday. Her poor road rash pictures made us cringe, poor little thing! And we loved the entertaining post about Tyson!