Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag--I'm it!

Ok, so it took me a while but Tracey tagged me so here it goes. . .

What's his name? Tyson Rex Murphy
How long have you been together? Our 10 year anniversary is in December and about a year before we got married
How old is he? 33
Who eats more? I eat more candy and way more vegetables but he has me beat on everything else!
Who said "I love you" first? I did. It has been a running joke ever since because it terrified him when I said it so his response was, "No you don't!"
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? I think he does
Who is smarter? Oh me of course ;0)
Whose temper is worse? I'm not sure. I mean Tyson loses his way more often then I do, but my temper isn't the best when it goes off.
Who does the laundry? I do. Unless he is going hunting the next day and needs his hunting clothes washed in No Scent detergent and dried with sheets that smell like dirt. Then he does it.
Who does the dishes? Me. He has done them exactly 4 times since we've been married. (but who's counting?)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.
Who pays the bills? We both do.
Who mows the lawn? I do because I like to. But he does when I can't get to it.
Who cooks dinner? Usually me. Tyson is actually a really good cook when he makes dinner
Who drives when you are together? Tyson does most of it unless he just drove 14 hours home from work, then I do.
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine. His moved to Montana and we don't get up there near enough.
Who kissed whom first? We were coerced by some friends
Who asked whom out? We were set up on a blind date
Who proposed? He did I guess--he sort of chickened out, it is a long story but I married him anyway
Who has more friends? He does. He can make friends with anyone, anywhere.
Who is more sensitive? We are about the same on that one just in different ways
Who has more siblings? I have 6, he doesn't have any
Who wears the pants in the family? I think he does but he thinks I do
Where did you meet each other? At his house in Bancroft, Idaho
What was the first thing you said to your husband? Um. . . .probably "Hi"
Where was your first date? The pizza place in Soda Springs (we argued the whole time)
Where was your first kiss? On the lips … oh, I mean at his house
Where did you get engaged? At the car races in Pocatello
Where were you married? In Afton, Wyoming
How was the honeymoon? Cold. Very, very cold.

I tag Candice, Jeanette, Braydon, Mom, and Brian.

1 comment:

Eric and Tracey said...

So fun. Thanks for playing. We have an awesome picture of Tyson, by the way, that I'll have to scan in sometime and send to you. Tyson doesn't like it but I do. haha