Monday, December 15, 2008

Move Over Martha!

How I let myself get roped into things, I'll never know. I really need to practice that elusive word. . . .what is it again? Oh yeah, "NO!" The "Young Women" are in charge of the center pieces for the ward Christmas party tomorrow night, so guess who made them all. Yup--I'm a sucker. Good thing I like crafting. It is actually a lot of fun---when the kids aren't around, especially my little Tazmanian devil, Ridge. But they got done and I think they turned out cute. Besides, now I have something to give the neighbors for Christmas. Blessings in disguise, right?


Eric and Tracey said...

Very nice! I wish we lived closer and you could teach me to be crafty!

Kyle and Lacey said...

Sooo cute, Dene! Thanks for hogging all the talent! So, I'm one of your neighbors, right?? (Only 700 miles away.)