Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snowmobiling with Dad

Tyson and I had a great day snowmobiling with my dad! He is kind enough to take us with him even though he tells us he is just glad to have someone to go with. We went up Cub River. I miss the mountains of Star Valley but I am learning to really enjoy the beauty that surrounds us here. There was a lot of new snow which is always a ton of fun! Tyson only got stuck 3 times and I got stuck once. I am so glad to have such an awesome dad. He makes sure to go places I can follow and doesn't leave me in the dust. The sun was shining and there was just enough wind to erase some of the tracks left by the machines in front of us. I have always loved snowmobiling. There is nothing quite like it. To be able to enjoy nature while it sleeps is a truly amazing experience. I am so thankful to live in this day and age where we have the technology to make life a lot more enjoyable!


Eric and Tracey said...

very cool. I've never been snowmobiling yet. Someday I'm sure. Looks like it was a beautiful day for it!

Kyle and Lacey said...

Looks like fun! I would have liked to have seen that roof full of snow fall on your head though! haha And I agree that Dad is the best! (Just don't tell him cuz then he'll get a big head.)

Eric and Tracey said...

So.... what else you guys been up to?