Saturday, February 7, 2009

Walking the Hall!

Raygen was able to reach her goal of 100 AR points in reading so she was rewarded with the opportunity to walk the hall with the school mascot, Pella the Panther. All the other kids came out of their classrooms and cheered as she went by. It is a fun tradition that her elementary does. She was sure tickled and she gave her friends a high five as she went by. It was really cute. She also received a coupon for a free kids meal at Arctic Circle, a book mark, and a certificate. We are proud of her for setting a goal and accomplishing it all by herself. She loves to read and is reading at a high 3 grade level. She loves school and excited when she gets good grades. (She wishes they gave A's in 1st grade but they don't yet) I hope this keeps up throughout the years!

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