Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bear World and Yellowstone!

We had tons of fun this week. First we stopped at Bear World to make sure the kids got to see some bears. They had fun feeding them doughnuts and bread. There was baby elk and baby mountain goats. The kids loved riding the rides there and petting the animals in the petting zoo. Except for the pot-bellied pig. They were terrified of him because every time you touched him, he would grunt really loud and act like he was very mad.
Then we stayed two nights in West Yellowstone. We toured the park and got to see lots of animals. We saw elk, deer, bison, big horned sheep, a black bear and other stuff. The kids had a paper with animals on it and they kept checking them off. Every time we would see something Ridge would yell, "I need the marker!" We cooked our meals in the park and had tons of fun. Gabe loved the geysers, Raygen loved the flowers, and Ridge loved the "bubbling mud" the best. When we visited a spring called the Dragon's Mouth, Ridge was convinced there was a real dragon in there that was going to wake up and eat us all if we weren't quiet.
It is so fun to experience the world all over again thru the eyes of my children. They make everything so much more fun and humorous.

1 comment:

Kyle and Lacey said...

That looks way fun! I love Yellowstone! What a great vacation. I didn't know Bear World had rides now? Sweet! I'm glad you guys had such a good time. It sounds like a perfect way to relax and vacation!