Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy 12 Gabe!

I can't believe how fast the time goes. I know I have said that before and will probably say it many more times. It doesn't seem like that long ago that my whole life changed. The day Gabe was born remains one of the best and worst of my life. I am so blessed to have Gabe as a son. He has taught me more than any other influence in my life. I can't believe God trusts me enough to let me be his mother. When I think back to that cold, snowy January day 12 years ago, I remember the doctors telling me they didn't think he could hear and wouldn't be able to talk. They ran all sorts of tests on his tiny body and the whole time, Gabe let them have it! If only I had a crystal ball to let me see him the way he is today, I would have laughed in their face! Gabe not only hears and talks, but he has more to say than most people I know! He is one of my greatest blessings and biggest trials all rolled into a cute, spunky package. I love him so much and feel honored to be his mom!


Lindsey Smith said...

We love Gabe too. Hope his birthday was perfect!!!

Kyle and Lacey said...

And I love that he has a lot to say!! :) We sure love our Gaber.